27 de julho de 2008

I Congresso de Tecnologias na Educação


Falta de tempo não é mais desculpa para participar de um Congresso. Para os interessados no uso das Tecnologias daInformação no ensino, fica o convite para participarem do I Congresso de Tecnologias na Educação. Maiores informaçõesc no site e no blog: http://internetnaeducacao.blogspot.com/

Web 2

Web 2.0 Blogs En La Escuela De Lenguas 2007

From: nelbaq, 9 months ago

Presentation about Web 2.0 and Blogs by Prof. Nelba Quintana at the Escuela de Lenguas on its 14th anniversary celebration (22nd September 2007)

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Web 2.0 Is the Future of Education

From: SteveHargadon, 2 days ago

I believe that the read/write Web, or what we are calling Web 2.0, will culturally, socially, intellectually, and politically have a greater impact than the advent of the printing press. I believe that we cannot even begin to imagine the changes that are going to take place as the two-way nature of the Internet begins to flower, and that even those of us who have spent time imagining this future will be astounded by what happens. I’m going to identify ten trends in this regard that I think have particular importance for education and learning, and then discuss seven steps I think educators can take to make a difference during this time.

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